Celebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program that helps manage and overcome hurts,
habits and hang-ups.
Hurt as a response to another person’s behavior or to a distressing situation such as abuse, abandonment, codependency, divorce, relationship issues, health struggles, being overwhelmed/stressed, depressed, anxious, etc.
Habit as an addiction to someone or something; some examples include alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, sex, pornography, or smoking.
Hang-up—negative mental attitudes that are used to cope with people or adversity; some examples include anger, jealousy and fear.
The purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to encourage community and to celebrate God's healing power in our lives as we work our way along the road to recovery. Celebrate Recovery is a program that can help anyone struggling with alcohol, drugs and other hurts, habits, or hang-ups by utilizing the "Eight Recovery Principles Based on the Beatitudes" and "The Twelve Steps and Their Biblical Comparisons."
Celebrate Recovery offers gender-specific support groups that address a wide variety of hurts, habits and hang-ups, including:
A-to-Z: Addresses a variety of hurts, habits and hang-ups. A great place to become oriented to the Celebrate Recovery program, especially if you’re unsure about which group will best meet your needs
Substance Use: Addresses issues related to personal drug and alcohol use and dependence.
Relationships: Addresses issues related to broken relationships, particularly those involving the possibility or reality of separation and divorce.
Healthy Living ( Women Only ): Focuses on healthy living mind, body and spirit.
Step Studies: Addresses the application of Christ-centered 12 Steps and 8 Recovery Principles in one’s recovery through a structured study.
What to expect
Celebrate Recovery meets every Tuesday evening at the Mooresville Campus with the following schedule:
6:00-6:25 pm Light Meal provided (this is optional but also a great time to meet folks and learn more about Celebrate Recovery)
6:30-7:30 pm Praise and Worship, Healing and Recovery Life Stories or Teachings
7:30-8:30 pm Gender-Specific Support Group Sessions
Tuesday Night children's ministry
For ages 6 weeks through grade school, Children’s Ministry on Tuesday Nights is for children whose parent(s)/adult(s) are actively attending an Adult Care Group. It’s a place of encouragement, fun and care where they learn about Jesus and His love for them!
*Please let us know if you will need this ministry by emailing caregroups@covechurch.org or calling 704.655.3002 x321. Minors cannot attend groups and they also cannot be left unsupervised.
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