all in

ALL IN was a spiritual journey that began in late 2023 as a way of our church family going deeper and learning what it means to sacrifice, surrender, and commit. Each Cove campus rallied together to pray, sacrifice, and commit to complete needed projects during 2024 both locally and globally.

Filmed prior to the grand opening of the South Africa Campus on September 21, 2024.

Mooresville campus

  • Resurfaced the parking lot.
  • Supported the Global All In initiatives including:
  • South Africa Building – We built a new auditorium at our South Africa Cove Campus which holds 400 adults. This helped give our Cove Kids the old space. The kids building has capacity to hold more than 200 children who will then have an indoor facility for weekend church services.
  • Partnered with Lasting Smiles, a village school in a desperate area in Kampala, Uganda. The school had a huge need for sanitation. We built 12 indoor bathrooms and showers for more than 650 students and 19 teachers.

Denver campus

  • Renovated and upfitted the Cove Kids space to include FIVE new classrooms.
  • Built a multipurpose room which will house our Cove Students services as well as any church-related classes and events.

Statesville campus

  • Built a Cove Students-specific area.
  • Fixed and resurfaced the campus roof.
  • Added new carpet to the Cove Kids area.
  • Built a new Outreach Ministry area.

Salisbury campus

  • Upfitted the Cove Kids space with an addition of a restroomnew carpet, and signage.


  • Live audio Spanish interpretation is now available at all local campuses.