Your generosity makes a difference not only at home but around the globe through our partnership with local churches, support and training of pastors, and investment into the lives of children.
We served five countries across the globe: Belize, Costa Rica, Egypt, South Africa, Uganda.
Our church sent people on 11 short-term mission trips
88 individuals served on a global team / 36 of them had never been on a global mission trip.
265 children sponsored in South Africa, Egypt, and Uganda.
FIVE Rising Leaders (those in higher education courses like college, university or trade school).
SIX sponsored children celebrated graduation in 2024.
Global Partner Churches Supported in 2024:
ICF Tel Aviv, Pastors Sergey and Natasha – served refugees during the war and launched a second service in Hebrew.
Kampala Community Church, Uganda
Holy Deliverance Church, Uganda
Maadi Community Church, Egypt
Jaurri Church, Costa Rica
Carmen Church, Costa Rica
Life-Changing Surgeries Completed:
Femur (29-year-old staff member – rod required to save leg)
Ear Surgery (4-year-old girl – restored hearing)
Eye Surgery (19-year-old boy – sight restored)
Eye Surgery (8-year-old girl – cross eyed / full correction and sight improving)
Feed My Starving Children
Rakai, Uganda Delivery – 1,260 boxes = 272,160 meals delivered via The Cove Church and African Children Today.
The Cove Church packed 684 Boxes = 147,744 meals delivered to Zambia via Convoy of Hope.
The Cove Church, South Africa – New Building with seating for 450 adults opened September 2024. This campus started with 20 people in January 2020 and has grown to more than 560 people calling this their church home. In 2024, we celebrated 49 Decisions for Jesus and 28 Baptisms.
Reached more than 400 Sudanese refugee women and children with the message of hope they can find in Jesus.