
When we gather every week, we have a chance to impact the lives of those around us with the life-changing message of Jesus. When we’re together, we learn from each other, worship, grow and practice living out life serving others. Whether it’s a weekly service or a big event like Easter or Christmas, it’s part of our mission to Introduce our friends to Jesus.

  • 6,869 people were part of a Cove service at Easter.
  • We celebrated the seventh year of Movies at The Cove. On average, 400 team members invested their time to welcome 4,440 people in attendance each week of Movies at The Cove.
  • 8,404 people joined us for Christmas at The Cove.
  • On average, 4,500 people were part of a local Cove service every week.
  • We had more than 600 in attendance joining us online at and on YouTube each week.